Complaints, comments and compliments

We value your feedback and have made it easy for you to give us a compliment, make a comment or let us know how we can do better. See below how you can give us positive feedback, share a bad experience with us or make a complaint.

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Sharing a good experience

We can learn a lot from our mistakes. But we can learn much from positive feedback too and would appreciate you taking the time to share your good experience with us.

Sharing a bad experience

Direct dialogue is often the best way to solve a problem, and we will listen to you and take any criticism seriously. You can always call the adviser involved, or the manager in charge of the unit with which you had an unsatisfactory experience.

Should you still wish to complain about an experience after having spoken to the adviser or the manager in charge, please e-mail us at: the complaints officer in Nykredit

How we process your complaint

It is important to achieve a satisfactory resolution to your complaint. Therefore, we have an e-mail address for this specific purpose. When a complaint is received, it will be investigated by the relevant specialists and functions.

We love happy and satisfied customers. And we will do our very best to treat you fairly, whether you are dissatisfied with our advice, products or other services.

Complaints are reported to Nykredit's Executive Boards on a current basis. The lessons we learn from your complaint give us valuable inputs to do better, ensuring that you and our other customers get the best experience possible.

Other complaint options

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may submit a complaint about our decision to the Danish Complaint Board via their website or write to: Det finansielle ankenævn, St. Kongensgade 62, 2. sal, DK-1264 Copenhagen K.

Complaint to AP Pension/Nærpension

If you are dissatisfied with the decision made by AP Pension/Nærpension, you may send an e-mail to the complaints division of AP Pension at

Complaints about Privatsikring

If you are unhappy with the insurance services you have received from our business partner Privatsikring, please send a direct message to Privatsikring here