Sidens emne: Markets

Nykredit Index

Nykredit Markets has built a number of bond indices that track the Danish mortgage market.

DMB & Total Index

The Nykredit Danish Mortgage Bond Index (the DMB Index) is comprised of a portfolio of the most liquid Danish mortgage covered bonds listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen. The Nykredit Total Index comprises the entire actively traded part of the Danish fixed-rate callable covered bond market. The index is made up of a number of subindices segmenting callable mortgage bonds according to four typical investment strategies.

The Nykredit Total Index is described in the research note "Nykredit Danish Mortgage Bond Index & Total Index". Nykredit's bond indices are "non-significant benchmarks" based on regulated data, see the Benchmark Regulation.

Index values

Retrieve the index values for the latest trading day as well as the historical index values below.