Sustainable investments

As a natural continuation of its business concept Financial Sustainability, Nykredit Asset Management has drawn up a sustainable investments policy.

The purpose of the policy is to ensure that we incorporate environmental, social and corporate governance issues into its entire investment process.

The policy covers investment products that Nykredit offers customers under various investment concepts as well as the Nykredit Group's own investments.

Screening of investments

Nykredit Asset Management's portfolios are screened twice a year to make sure that they are in accordance with the UN Global Principles for Responsible Investment. Based on the outcome, Nykredit decides which steps should be taken if a company in which it has invested does not comply with the conventions.

Change of conduct through dialogue

Nykredit Asset Management will try, through dialogue, to make non-compliant companies change their conduct. If necessary, Nykredit will join forces with other investors in the attempt to bring about a change of conduct. Where dialogue does not lead to a change of conduct, Nykredit may sell its securities in the company.

Continuous monitoring

In addition to regular screening, Nykredit Asset Management 's portfolios are subject to continuous monitoring in order to assure its customers that steps are taken against non-compliant companies.

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