Oversigt over formƄlskoder for Indien
Ā Type |
FormƄlskode | Beskrivelse |
00 Capital Account | P0017 | Receipts on account of Sale of non-producedĀ non-financial assets (Sale of intangible assets like patente, copyrights, trademarks etc., land acquired by government,Ā use of natural resources) ā Government |
P0019 | Receipts on account of Sale of non-produced non-financial assets (Sale of intangible assets like patente, copyrights, trademarks etc., use of natural resources)Ā ā Non-Government | |
P0028 | Capital transferĀ receipts (Guarantee paymenD, Investment Grant given by the government/international organisation, exceptionally large Non-life insurance claims includlng claims arising out of natural calamity) - Government | |
P0029 | Capital transfer receipD ( Guarantee paymenD, Investment Grant given by the Non- government, exceptionally large Non-life insurance claims including claims arising out of natural calamity) ā Non-Government |
P0099 | Other capital receipts not included elsewhere | |
00 Foreign Direct Investment |
P0003 | Repatriation of Indian Direct investment abroad (by branches & wholly owned subsidiaries and associates) in equity shares |
P0004 | Repatriation Indian Direct investment abroad (by branches & wholly owned subsidiaries and associates) in debt instruments | |
P0005 | Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in real estate | |
P0006 | ForeignĀ DirectĀ InvestmentĀ madeĀ byĀ overseasĀ InvestorsĀ inĀ IndiaĀ inĀ equityĀ sharesĀ Ā | |
P0007 | ForeignĀ Direct Investment made by overseas Investors in India in debt instruments. | |
P0008 | Foreign Direct Investment made by overseas InvestorsĀ in India in real estate | |
00 Foreign Portfolio Investment |
P0001 | Repatriation of Indian Portfolio investment abroad in equity capital (shares) |
P0002 | Repatriation of Indian Portfolio investment abroad in debt instrument. | |
P0009 | Foreign Portfolio Investment made by overseas Investors in India in equity shares | |
P0010 | Foreign Portfolio Investment made by overseas Investors in India in debt Instrument. | |
00 External Commercial Borrowings |
P0011 | Repayment of loans extended to Non-Residents |
P0012 | Long & medium term loans, with original maturity of above one year,Ā from Non-Residents to India (External Commercial Borrowinqs) | |
00 Short term credits | P0013 | Short term loans with original maturity upto one year from Non-Residents to India (Short-term Trade Credit) |
00 Banking Capital | P0014 | Receipts o/a Non-Resident deposits (FCNR(B)/NR(E)RA, etc.) (ADs should report these even if funds are not āswappedā into Rupees} |
P0015 | Loans & overdrafts taken by ADs on their own account. (Any amount of loan credited to the NOSTRO account which may not be swapped into Rupees should also be reported) | |
P0016 | Purchase of a foreign currency against another currency. | |
00 Financial Derivatives and Others |
P0020 | Receipts on account of margin payments, premium payment and settlement amount etc. Under Financial derivative transactions |
P0021 | Receipts on account of sale of share under Employee stock option | |
P0022 | Receipts on account of other investment in ADRs/GDRs | |
00 External Assistance | P0024 | External Asslstance received byĀ India e.g. Multilateral and bilateral loans received by Govt. of India under agreementĀ with other govt. / international institutions. |
P0025 | Repayments received on account of External Assistance extended by India | |
01 Exports (of Goods) | P0101 | Value of export bills negotiated / purchased/discounted etc. (covered under GR/PP/SOFTEX/EC copy of shipping bills etc.) ā Other than Nepal and Bhutan |
P0102 | Realisation of export bills (in respect of goods) sent on collection (full invoice value) ā Other thanĀ Nepal and Bhufan | |
P0103 | Advance receipts against export contracts, which will be covered later by GR/PP/SOFTEX/SDF ā other than Nepal and Bhutan | |
P0104 | Receipts against export of goods not covered by the GR /PP /SOFTEXĀ /EC copy of shipping bill etc. (under Intermediary/transit trade, i.e., third country export passing throughĀ India) | |
P0105 | Export bills (in respect of goods) sent on collection ā other than Nepal and Bhutan | |
P0107 | Realisation of NPD export bills (full value of bill to be reported) ā other than Nepal and Bhutan | |
P0108 | Goods sold under merchanting / Receipt against export leg of merchantin9 ā¹rade* | |
P0109 | Export realisation on account of exports to Nepal and Bhutan, if any | |
02 Transport | P0201 | Receipts of surplus freight/passenger fare by Indian shipping companies operating abroad |
P0202 | Receipts on account of operating expenses of Foreign shipping companies operating in India | |
P0205 | Receipts on account of operational leasing (with crew) ā Shipping companies | |
P0207 | ReceipLs of surplus freight/passenger fare by Indian Airlines companles operating abroad. | |
P0208 | Receipt on account of operating expenses of Foreign Airlines companies operating in India | |
P0211 | Receipt on account of operational leasing (with crew) ā Airlines companies | |
P0Z14 | Receipts on account of other transportation services (stevedoring, demurrage, port handling chaedsĀ Ā etc).(ShiĀ Ā Ā nq CompaniesJ |
Ā | P02I5 | 'Receipts on account of oLher transportation services (stevedoring, demurrage, port handling charges etes.f Airlines companiesW |
P0216 | Receipts of freiĀ ht fare -Shipping companies operating abroad | |
P0217 | Receipts of passenger fare by Indian Shipping companies operating abroad | |
P0218 | Other receipLs by Shipping companies | |
P0219 | Receipts of freight fare by Indian AirlinesĀ companies operating abroad | |
P0220 | Receipts or passenger fare āAirlines | |
P0221 | OEher receipts by Airlines companies | |
P0222 | Receipts on account of frelghD under other modes of transport (Internal Waterways, RoadwaysĀ Railways, Pipeline transports and OthersJ | |
P0223 | Receipts on account of passengerĀ fare under other modes of transport (Internal Waterways, Roadways, Railways, Pipeline transports and Others) | |
P0224 | Postal & Courier services by Air | |
P0225 | Postal & Courier services by Sea | |
P0226 | Postal & Courler services by others | |
03 Travel | P0301 | Purchases tocards travel (Includes purchases of forelgn TCs, currency notes etc over the counter, ƶy hoLels, Emporiums, institutions etc. as well as amount received by TT/SWIFF transfers or debit to Non-ResJdent account1 |
P0302 | Business travel | |
P0304 | Travel for medical treatment including TCs purchased by hospitals | |
P0305 | Travel for education including TCspurchased by educational institutions | |
P0306 | Other travel receipts | |
P0308 | Foreign Currencies/TCs surrendered by returning Indian touriste. | |
05 Construction | P0501 | Receipts on account of services relating toĀ cost of construction of projects in India |
P0502 | Receigts on account of construction works carried out abroad by Indian Companles | |
06 Insurance and Pension Services | P0601 | Life Insurance premium except term insurance |
P0602 | Ereight Insurance ā relatinq to import & export of goods | |
P0603 | Other general insurance premium including reinsurance premium; and term life insurance premium |
P060fĆ® | Auxiliary services lncluding commisslon on insurance | |
P0607 | Insurance claim Settlement of non-Ille insurance; and life insurance (only term insurance) | |
P0608 | Life insurance claim seElemenD (excluding term insurance) received by residents in India | |
P0609 | Standardised guarantee services | |
P0610 | Premium for pension funds | |
P0611 | Periodlc pension entitlemens e.g. monthly quarterly or yearly payments of pension amounD by Indian Pension Fund Companies. | |
P0612 | Invoking of standardised guarantees | |
07 FinancialĀ Services | P0701 | Financial intermediation except investment banking ā Bank charges, collection charges, LC charqes, etc. |
P0702 | Investment banking -Ā brokerage, under wrlting commission etc. | |
P0703 | Auxiliary services ā charges on operation & regulatory fees, custodial services, depository services etc. | |
08 Telecommunicatio n, Computer & Information Services | P0801 | Hardware consultancy/implementation |
P0802 | Software consultancy/implementation (other than those covered in SOFTEX form) | |
P0803 | Data base, data processinĀ Ā charges | |
P0804 | Repair and maintenance of compuLer and software | |
P0805 | News agency services | |
P0806 | Other information services- Subscription to newspapers, periodicals, etc. | |
P0807 | Off-she Software ExportƩ | |
P0808 | Telecommunicatlon services including electronic mail services and voice mail services | |
P0809 | Satellite services including space shuttle and rockeD, etc. | |
09 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e |
P0901 | Franchises services |
P0902 | Receipts for use, through licensing arrangements, of produced originals or prototypes (such as manuscripts and films)Ā patenDĀ copyriqhtsĀ trademarks, industrial processes, franchises etc | |
10 Other Business Services |
P1002 | Trade related services ā commission on exports / importe |
P1003 | Operational leasing services (other than financlal leasing) without operating crew, including chartes hire- Airlines commanies |
P1004 | Legal services | |
P1005 | Accounting, auditlnp, book keeping services | |
P1006 | Business and management consultancy and public relations services | |
P1007 | Advertisinq, trade fair service | |
P1008 | Research & DevelopmenL services | |
P1009 | Architectural services | |
P1010 | Agrtcultural services like protection against insecte & disease, increasing of harvest yields, forestry services. | |
P1011Ā Ā Ā Ā | nward remittance for maintenance of offices in India | |
P1013 | Environmental Services | |
P1014 | Engineering Services | |
Ā | P1015 | Tax consulting services |
P1016 | Market research and publlc opinion polling service | |
P1017 | Publishing and printinq services | |
P1018 | Mining services llke on-site processing services analysis of ores etc. | |
P1019 | Commission agent services | |
P1020 | Wholesale and retailing trade services. | |
P1021 | Operational leasing services (other than financial leasing) without operating crew, including chartes hire- ShiPIāŗinqĀ companies |
P1022 | Other Technical Services includlng scientific/space services. | |
P1099 | Other services not included elsewhere | |
11 Personal, Cultural & Recreational services | P1101 | Audio-visual and related services like Motion picture and video tape production, distribution and DroĆection services. |
P1103 | Radio and television production, distribution and transmission services | |
P1104 | Entertainment services | |
P1105 | Museums, library and archival services | |
P1106 | Recreation and sporting activitƩ services | |
P1107 | Educational services (e.g. fees recelved for correspondence courses offered to non-resident by Indian instituLionsJ | |
P1108 | Health Service (Receipts on account of services provided by 1ndian hospitals, doctors, nurses, paramedical and similar services etc. rendered remotely or on-site) | |
P1109 | OtherĀ Personal, Cultural & Recreational services | |
12 Govt. not included elsewhere (G.n.i.e.) |
P1201 | Maintenance of foreign embassies in India |
P1203 | Maintenance oĆ¹ international insfifutions such as offices of IMF mission, World Bank, UNICEF etc. in India. | |
13 Secondary Income | P1301 | Inward remittance from Indian non-residents tocards family maintenance and savings |
P1302 | Personal gifle and donations | |
P1303 | Donations to religious and charitable institutions in India | |
P1304 | Grants and donations to governments and charitable Institutions established by the qovernmenD | |
P1306 | Receipts / Refund of taxes | |
P1307 | Receipts on account of migrant transfersĀ includingĀ Personal EffecD | |
14 Primary Income | P1401 | Compensation of employees |
P1403 | Inward remittance tocards interest on loans extended to non-residents (ST/MT/LT loans) | |
P1405 | Inward remittance towards interest receipD of ADs on their own account (on investments.) | |
P1408 | Inward remittance of profit by branches of Indian FDI EnterprisesĀ (including bank branches) oDeratinq abroad. |
P1409 | Inward remittance of dividends (on equity and investment fund shares) by Indian FDI EnterprisesĀ other than branches, oDeratinq abroad | |
P1410 | Ćnward remittance on account of interest payment by Indlan FD1 enterprises operating abroad to their Parent company in India. | |
Ā | Inward remittance of interest income on account of Portfolio Investment made abroad by India | |
Ā | tnward remittance of dlvidends on account of Portfolio Investment made abroad by India on eauity and investment fund shares | |
P1499 | Other income receipts | |
15 Others | P1501 | RefundsĀ Ā rebates on account of imports |
P1502 | Reversal of wrong entriesĀ refunds of amount remttted for non-importe | |
P1503 | Remittances (receiptsJ by residenD under International bidding process. | |
P1505 | Deemed ExportƩ ( exportƩ between SEZ, EPZs and Domestic Tartff Areas) | |
16 Malntenance and repair services n.i.e | P1601 | Receipts on account of maintenance and repair services rendered forĀ Vessels, Ships, BoaD, WarshipsĀ etc. |
P1602 | Receipts of maintenance and repair services rendered forĀ aircrafts, Space shuttles, Rockets, military aircrafts, eEc | |
17 Manufacturing | P1701 | Receipts on account of processlng of goods |